
Strategy Lab  

Posted by Ryan Woods

I don't have much time to write much of anything. I'd tired. Real tired. The first two days of strategy lab have been wonderful so far. The dream that Jess and I have been talking about for over two years is starting to be put on paper for the first time and is transitioning from a dream to a vision (dreams have no plan to accomplish them while visions are a future reality).

I can't wait to share more. Most of what I'll share about strategy lab however will come through our newsletter...so...join my facebook group or sign up for email updates in the box on the bottom of the sidebar!

If you live in or near Vancouver make sure you come to the Kairos church planting event this Saturday at the Vancouver Church of Christ. There will be a presentation of seven different church plants that have been crafted this week. Some of them won't be launched for a couple of years, some have already begun in some stages, and others will be starting in the upcoming year. We are just on the edge of some seriously exciting times. I hope you're on board with what God's doing in church planting!!!


3 additions to the conversation

I'm jealous in a proud amazed inspirational kind of way that you guys are really and truly making this happen...



you're going to help right?

Arwen, it seems rather unavoidable!
And I agree. It is rather amazing to see all this take shape; God MUST be creating something awesome.

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I am uncertain what to call myself, but my family and I are committed to the people of downtown Vancouver, WA. We are followers of Christ and hope to be a part of a movement of hope, imagination, and transformation in our developing downtown community.

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