
Would you Rather  

Posted by Ryan Woods

First off, I can't stop typing "www". I know it's unnecessary but I just can't seem to stop!

On with the post! I've got a couple of hypothetical questions I've been mulling over in my head that I'd like to present to you.

Would you rather...

  1. Watch someone die from stab wounds or eat McDonalds hamburgers for lunch every day of your life?
  2. Be bald or have your favorite movie be Short Circuit?
  3. Have razor blades in your home instead of carpet or have a live goose growing out of your chest?
  4. constantly be picking your nose in public or be married to your mom?
  5. Be married to your dad or breath coolaid instead of oxygen?
  6. Speak Vietnamese or chop wood on the weekends?
  7. Have your vision be as if you were always wearing binoculars or be attracted to eagles?
  8. Be an armless lion tamer or squirt grape juice out of your eyes when you blink?
  9. Be nicknamed the Chubby Keyboard or beat up a girl (if you're a girl insert your own random statement here)
  10. Have your nose shaped like Texas or smell like Tuna?

5 additions to the conversation

Did you come up with these yourself? Props to you for making me laugh. I might even do a blog post about this for my shout out saturday.

In fact, here it is: http://www.thetowells.com/2009/01/who-you-rather/

You're now more famous than you were.

Thank you. I feel more famous.
I'll be honest, sometimes Jessica and I make ourselves laugh a lot. ANd this was just one of those lucky times when there was a computer nearby to chronicle our randomness that we so enjoy together.

1.Eat McDonalds hamburgers for lunch every day of your life

2.Have your favorite movie be Short Circuit

3.Have razor blades in your home instead of carpet

4. Constantly be picking your nose in public

5. Breath coolaid instead of oxygen

6. Speak Vietnamese

7. Be attracted to eagles

8. Squirt grape juice out of your eyes when you blink

9. Be nicknamed the Chubby Keyboard

10. Smell like Tuna (this comes in handy seeing as i'm attracted to eagles....)

I laughed really effin hard just now.

This is why I married you.

Well, this and many other reasons.

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I am uncertain what to call myself, but my family and I are committed to the people of downtown Vancouver, WA. We are followers of Christ and hope to be a part of a movement of hope, imagination, and transformation in our developing downtown community.

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