
Isaiah 61 Fund Raising,  

Posted by Ryan Woods

God is so funny. I mean, that should be a no brainer right? Anyone who comes up with boogers and naked mole rats has to have a sense of humor.
For me December was filled with fund raising work. Writing letters, calling people, addressing letters, folding letters, writing followup letters, etc. It's been tiring, stressful, and in some ways actually enjoyable. Right now we sit at a little over half of our desired $30,000 goal, which as far as I'm concerned is pretty good.
Here's the thing I want to share. The $15,000 in pledges we've received thus far didn't come from a couple of wealthy families who gave massive donations. Rather our support has come through dozens of people, poor people, pledging monthly amounts of 30, 50, and 75 bucks. We've had people who aren't followers of Jesus, people who are near broke, people who have never really practiced the discipline of giving before, young people, and piers all give generously to our work. It has been a blessing and incredibly humbling to see how people are sacrificing to support Jessica and I in our work with Renovatus and our preparation toward a daughter church plant.
God has chosen to make this fund raising a direct mirror of the ministry that we're raising money for!
Keep us in your prayers and please please please sign up on the right side of my blog if you'd like to begin receiving our monthly updates. Thank you to all of you who have given money, time, and prayer.

2 additions to the conversation

Wow, that is pretty amazing, Ry. I kind of love that the Lord has chosen to bless you guys through these types of people...what a reflection of your ministy! Were still praying that the other 15,000comes in soon! Love you guys!

This little adventure has been pretty amazing to watch! I think God is just making it clear that HE -- and nobody else -- has ALL this under His control! Thanks for you obedience.

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I am uncertain what to call myself, but my family and I are committed to the people of downtown Vancouver, WA. We are followers of Christ and hope to be a part of a movement of hope, imagination, and transformation in our developing downtown community.

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