
The List  

Posted by Ryan Woods

I'm making a list.

Checkin' it twice.
And soon I'll find out if I'm frugal or wise.
Tax season's comin' to town!
Tax season's comin' to town!

That's right folks, it's that time of the year again, the time that I wait for all year long. It's time to open up a word document titled "tax return wish list" where I get to list off everything that I can't afford to buy in normal life...but at tax season all of a sudden I've got some spending money. Don't get me wrong, paying off school loans, tithing, and saving are all a part of the list. But the list also includes things like a new vaccume, new printer, and maybe a used book or two. Usually we start pretty honestly. There are a few things, like me going to the dentist, that should be on the list. But by the time we make it to Karen's desk to do our taxes the list has grown to include new underwear, a new monitor, a zoo pass, among other things! Oh how I love tax season! As a matter of fact, I love tax season so much that I think I'll write a poem about it...

Tax season tax season I love you.
Tax season tax season you are so true.
True to your promise to bring me great joy.
True to your commitment to buy me new toys.
Pay off some bills, that I will do,
Buy me some crap might fit in too.
My shoebox full of reciepts is worth the trouble
When I'm done filling it's time for my fafsa on the double.
Double bubble, doublelicious
Double the trouble, double trouble, double double double double.
Doop didie doo doop dee dah doo.

4 additions to the conversation

it is my sincerest belief that we're still friends because you and Jess (individually and as a team)(because marriage is about being a team)(and though there is no 'i' in team, there can be a 'me' and that's kind of the same thing)write the most amazing poems ever.

We got a Wii for christmas. It is fun and probably a ministry tool or something. I recommend you buy one.

Don't make me fight you Johnathan Towell.

oooooh, the wii has boxing, so yah we could fight!

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I am uncertain what to call myself, but my family and I are committed to the people of downtown Vancouver, WA. We are followers of Christ and hope to be a part of a movement of hope, imagination, and transformation in our developing downtown community.

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