
Home School  

Posted by Ryan Woods

Just a funny thing I thought of today. When I was in high school my sister and I (remember, we were home schooled) would fight to sit on the big couch to do our work. In the end we'd always end up sharing the couch...and the same afghan blanket...
Is that kind of strange? I spent most of my high school study time sharing a couch and a blanket with my sister? And sometimes we'd drink and eat our lunch out of bowls like dogs...when we were sixteen...or six, I don't really remember.
We're such home school nerds.

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You know what else is funny? If you can even believe it I also remember witnessing that exact scenario you are talking about. Sometimes when our families would get together to do homeschool stuff you two would be on the couch with that afghan when we would arrive. Crazy. I can picture the couch and blanket exactly. Good old homeschool.


You know what else is funny? That you told the world how big of losers we are.
Haha. I am glad that Sarah was a witness to our retardedness. There were some good times had on that couch....that sounded awkward, but I just meant good home schoolin' times...Making up a song to learn all of the presidents, you trying to help me with geometry, me failing miserably at it, Mackenzie sitting with us on that couch calling you, "Reeree"....good times.

awww.... i wish i had been home schooled.....

not really.
ok. a little bit, but only...
oh nevermind. delete this comment.

On the outside, you guys worked SO hard to be COOL homeschoolers, but, truth be told, "nerd-dome" is in us all, boiling just below the surface. It's just that homeschooling offers one place where you don't have to work so hard to to play the game all day long. ANY one who, at this moment, thinks they are cool, need only a little more time and perspective to discover they're just as pathetic as the rest of us!

I think Muffin and Snitch would sit on the couch with you both too, along with all the school books, and your mid morning snack - good times.



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I am uncertain what to call myself, but my family and I are committed to the people of downtown Vancouver, WA. We are followers of Christ and hope to be a part of a movement of hope, imagination, and transformation in our developing downtown community.

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