
Tidy Batman  

Posted by Ryan Woods

I don't see many movies at the theater. They're expensive and they give you the impression that you're spending quality time with the friend who attends the movie with you when in reality you're simple sitting near eachother while staring at a screen. Nevertheless I could not resist seeing the new installment of Batman. And good golly I was impressed (along with millions of others around the world). Heath Ledger was amazing. Aaron Eckhart was amazing (though his face did look a little Terminator/Mummyish at the end). I loved the way they were able to capture evil in the character of Joker without showing him sawing guys heads off, raping and torturing women and children, or anything else horribly graphic. While other movies may have had more creepy villains, the way that Ledger played the Joker was so perfect that it did not even necessitate showing much graphic evilness (for lack of a better word).
But here's the best part about Batman that I was reminded of when I saw Dark Knight...Batman is so tidy! Didn't you notice? He keeps all of his homemade gadgets in nice little cases all cleaned up and shiny. Everything has its place and is always put away. His little bat shaped throwing star things are kept each in their own individually shaped spot on a nice velvet covered box. His suit is always hung up and clean. I'd like to give credit to Alfred except for the fact that we often see Bruce putting away his little throwing bat-stars in their little case. Good for you Bruce! Way to stay nice and tidy. I love organization and I love a clean work area...and that's why I love Batman...and, yes, I do feel a little awkward after writing all this.

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No need to feel awkward my friend! I know exactly what you mean. Sometimes at work I would just not be able to get another thing done until I had gotten out the good ol' Clorox wipes and broom and resorted the pens from the Sharpies. Alright, the pens/sharpies thing was a little excessive I know but honestly, there were two compartments in the pen holder; clearly the pens and Sharpies were supposed to be separated! Apparently I was the only one that felt that way... Anyway, I haven't seen the new Batman yet but after hearing all the rave reviews I can't wait!

Cleanliness may not be next to godliness, but in this case, it IS next to sexiness. (This also applies to Mr. Clean, the sexiest cartoon bald guy ever.)

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I am uncertain what to call myself, but my family and I are committed to the people of downtown Vancouver, WA. We are followers of Christ and hope to be a part of a movement of hope, imagination, and transformation in our developing downtown community.

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