
Thoughts on Marriage  

Posted by Ryan Woods

It seems as though there has been a rash of "I love my spouse" blogs lately...or maybe only two that I'm aware of. Well hold on to your hat 'cause we're goin' in for another.

On this date three years ago, with weather that resembles that which we have had for the last week, with candles, twinkle lights, a few hundred guests, a few gifts, and a dessert buffet that I never saw, Jessica and I got married. Best thing I ever did (aside from my metaphorical marriage to Jesus).

Did you know that my wife can't be drawn? No, it's true. Nobody can draw her smile. Over the years I can recall three talented artists who attempted and failed to draw her wonderful and unique smile. I think it's her tongue that sticks out just a little bit. Whatever it is, it's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Honestly, few things compare to the amazing power of her smile. It brightens a room, and makes my heart sing.

My wife is compassionate and caring and is genuinely concerned about others. I don't mean this in a cheesy way at all, in the way that Time Magazine might say about Brad Pitt. Her heart truly goes out to those who hurt and suffer. She's an amazing woman who knows how to love. I feel loved by her, she challenges me to more purely love others. By looking at her I learn about Jesus and how he loves his creation. It's a beauitful thing.

If you've seen my wife you'd already know that shes gorgeous. Thats a given. If you've seen me you'd know that I look like Farah Fawcet. God is good.

I can't wait to celebrate our six year anniversary. The first three years have gone by quickly, but I can honestly say that they've been three of the best years of my long and luscious life. I should write more, but I think I'll save the rest of my words to be whispered in her ear while we camp this week. I love lamp and I love my wife.

10 additions to the conversation


Once, Ronald Regan wrote an anniversary note to Wifey and he said something about loving her 365 times more than last year or something. He was a sweet old man. You're a pretty nice Farrah Hair Guy too...

Happy Anniversay kids.

congratulations. for real. marriage is by no means easy, so my hat's off to you. let's hear it for three more.

I remember that day just like it was 3 years ago!!
Congrats you guys.

congrats guys! your anniversary card will be on its way soon- i think eric lost it though, it has a few hundred dollars in it(mere pocket change). i think i will find the lost card right about the time that we recieve eric graduation card and our anniversary card. aaaah buuurn!

Booya, Tara... Booya. (I've seen the graduation card... it exists... in fact... I'm looking at it right now!)

that's fabulous! Marriage can be great and I'm glad yours is! Jess is great, you're great. That's just great!

whatever, like i am going to believe you arwen, or should i say raj? booya.

It's a nice thing to be a dad that has been priviledged to watch the marriages of his three children from a front row seat. Thanks.

i'm glad you love your wife. it is a beautiful thing.

it was good to see you sunday!!

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I am uncertain what to call myself, but my family and I are committed to the people of downtown Vancouver, WA. We are followers of Christ and hope to be a part of a movement of hope, imagination, and transformation in our developing downtown community.

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