
There goes my summer plans!  

Posted by Ryan Woods

Well, for all of you who wanted to go to Texas I just wanted to warn you that if you want to visit my sister they have a rule in their house that if there's poop in your crack you lose a sticker on the helping chart. Oh, just great! I guess I'll need to find a motel 6 if I go to visit.

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That Jen... always has to go and ruin everyone's fun...

You can stay at my house but you'll probably end up with negative stickers because you won't have started out with any... You'll just have to decide if it's worth it! Let's be real though, you weren't planning on coming anyways!!

youre right jen, i dont think ryan and jess have any plans of visiting us down here in the south...i tried to bring it up once and it didnt fly. besides that time that you all came a few months ago, but that doesnt count.
p.s. i dont leave poop in my crack...so...i guess i wont really fit in at your house...

We will come again sometime. But only to see our family...you know how I feel about the south!

who walks around with poop in their crack?!
(obviously, i am saying this to cover up the fact that i do . . .)

me too TJ... in fact, I think I have some there right now... and I have no plans of removing it anytime soon.

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I am uncertain what to call myself, but my family and I are committed to the people of downtown Vancouver, WA. We are followers of Christ and hope to be a part of a movement of hope, imagination, and transformation in our developing downtown community.

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