

Posted by Ryan Woods

He sees it.

He gets it

He shoots it

Don't mess with my son.

12 additions to the conversation

Oh, how cute...a baby with a gun! Precious.

I promeis I will only be nice :0

thanks for adding me to your links! I feel very lucky!

A gun?!? I just gave my kidz their very own Chuck Norris. Now they are unstoppable! Uwahahahhahah!

don't you mean "unztoppable?"

That's exactly why I'm never having real weapons in my house. Kids think it's fun. What else would you want to do with a gun except to point it at someone. We have to have a rule in our house that you can't point guns at people. that sucks. Who wants to point a gun at a rock? If we had a gun in our house someone would get shot.
That's what guns are for.

So are you saying that your kids don't shoot people? Thats strange.
I've started sleeping with a gun underneath my pillow (the gun that Jones found). I think it keeps our family safer.
It's only a plastic pellet gun, but I think it makes me look more like a man when its under my pillow. Pretty cool huh?

I am totally giving Jones a Chuck Norris doll for his birthday.

thank you for clearing that up, tabitha. also, might i just hijack ryans comments to tell you that "where were you today at chapel?"

i was at work. sorry. i need money.

who are you TJ? The TJ that I know doesn't need money. She needs nothing but her Bob Dylan and the clothes upon her back... you're dead to me.

Ok. I kid. I think we both know how well I know you.

I like you TJ. I like you bad. You too Ryan.

Enjoyed a lot! » » »

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I am uncertain what to call myself, but my family and I are committed to the people of downtown Vancouver, WA. We are followers of Christ and hope to be a part of a movement of hope, imagination, and transformation in our developing downtown community.

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