

Posted by Ryan Woods

Help me out here. This may be the best album I've ever listened to. Guess what Jones is getting for Christmas!

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i'm not sure exactly what you are asking... but i'll tell you what i think about childrens albums, in general.

if it is a childrens song, gimme it in the purest "for kids ears only" version.

if it is a song changed in anyway to make it more palatable for the ear of a child, i don't care for it.

my kids are currently requesting the following songs:

symphony of destruction - mega death

cocaine blues/jackson/it ain't you babe/folsom prison blues - johnny cash

mambo italiano - rosemary clooney

short skirt long jacket - cake

man in the box - alice in chains

sieze the day - caroyln arends

those are the current favorites on an ever changing list. so at this house, we are not big on taking our favorite songs and altering them for the kids sake.

we talk about it quite a bit, to be sure. take cocaine blues for example... opening line "early one morning i was makin' the rounds... i took a shot of cocaine and i shot my woman down..."

the first time my son heard that, he was, understandably, a bit concerned. i first told him "you've seen walk the line. did johnny cash kill either of his wives?" he said no. i said "keeeeep listening..."

he heard the rest of the story. up to the 99 year prison term and the implorment "keep off the whiskey and let that cocaine be."

i cringe to think of what Kidz Bop would do do to that song. not to mention them teaching my kids that kids is spelled kidz.

The best thing?? you can recycle the paper that lines the cd case :)

I've clarified my post a bit. I hope it helps...but here, let me be more clear...I don't ever want my kid to listen to that stuff. It just sounds ikky (sp?).

...though, here's some bad news. Today i was shocked to hear, for the first time, Paris Hiltons new single. I was even more shocked to notice that Jones totally loved it! Every time he heard it he would dance and smile and go crazy. Whats a dad to do?

i don't really have a comment about this, but i don't know how to tell you i have a blog now! I'm still figuring this all out. But, I am BrahimBrahim.blogspot.com and Nezar is theadventuresofbeth.blogspot.com

RM... I'm glad that your kids like Megadeath. It makes me like you a little more...

I really like the spinning morphing cross-fishm at the bottom of the Kids Hitz page. I think I'll get it as a tatoo!

Why do they call it Kids Hitz instead of Kids Worzhip or zomething?

How fun! I will only uze z'z inztead of S's, ztarting now!

I don't even have kids but because I watch a 2 year old, I get songs from the Laurie Berkner (sp?) Band stuck in my head. Like today I have "Moon, Moon, Moon" stuck. Fortunately they are not THAT bad.
I agree with RM that songs that are written for kids are WAY better than song adapted for kids. Noggin has some that are fun.
I also get School House Rock song stuck. Yesterday it was "Lolly Adverbs".

I am so sorry about Jones and Paris. You have no idea how sad I am for you.

It's too late. My kids already have that kind of stuff. I don't really care though, sorry.

That's not all we listen to. That's for sure!

is he getting a train set?

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