
This is for Jeremy  

Posted by Ryan Woods

I don't care what your position on the War on Terror is. I don't care whether or not you love or hate our precious President Bush. I don't necessarily care if you know my brother in law Jeremy Graham.

He is returning home in two weeks. In two weeks we travel down to California to welcome him back from his elongated tour in Iraq. Every person who goes over there is important and needs to be honored. Honored not for what they stand for, but for what they sacrifice.

And so we ask you to write letters. My wife Jessica (Jeremy's sister) is compiling a book of at least 100 letters of gratitude that she will present to him when he returns. It will only be a small token, just a pittance of what he deserves, but hopefully it will be just one way to say thank you to a man who sacrificed everything, nearly his life, for a cause.

So write Jeremy a thank you note. Write him a welcome home note. Tell him how honored you are by his sacrifice, by his service, by his life. Make it short, make it long, make it personal, make it general, it doesn't really matter.

Email my wife at jessicawoods@marykay.com and she will do the rest.

Thank you and God bless.

4 additions to the conversation


I'm pretty constantly encouraged by the support that our troops get, even with the conflict is generally disliked. Good job.

i did it too . . . i felt weird though cause i don't know him at all . . . i hope it makes him smile.

hey, thanks for letting us be a part of this! I'll get right on that email!
Lovies, KK

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I am uncertain what to call myself, but my family and I are committed to the people of downtown Vancouver, WA. We are followers of Christ and hope to be a part of a movement of hope, imagination, and transformation in our developing downtown community.

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