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Posted by Ryan Woods

Here are some good resources for you. I don't use them all religiously but I recognize the usefulness/creativity of all of them.

1. This is a cool little scheduling webapp that's worth checking out.

2. Diddo from number one.

3. I haven't gotten to play around with this one yet, but I can see its potential...and I think I like it.

4. I'm working my way through Financial Peace University right now, so this webapp was quite intriguing. It's very easy to use and worth a peeksipoo.

5. Want to send out mass texts easily and without charges? This is the way to go. It's going to be a lifesaver for me.

6. This is just for your churchy folks out there. But it's a very easy to use webapp, simple, and practical. It helps churches track important information and such.

7. I personally won't ever use this...I don't think. But if this fits your style of thinking it would be great. It definitely looks nice and seems fairly simple.

8. This one is fun. You must play.

9. This webapp gives you piece of mind if you're a hardcore blogger.

10. I've got an account for this. I like it. It intruigs me. But I don't use it at all. We'll see where I end up with this one.

11. Up until last week when facebook stopped updating my status via my phone this little guy was great. It updates your twitter feed through facebook.

12. Best news site ever. Period. I don't care if it's fair, balanced, or accurate. It's down right fun and that is no lie.

Oh there are so many more I'd like to share. As I've learned from my friend Jonathan webapps are where it's at...especially a free one.

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I am uncertain what to call myself, but my family and I are committed to the people of downtown Vancouver, WA. We are followers of Christ and hope to be a part of a movement of hope, imagination, and transformation in our developing downtown community.

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