
Just What the Doctor Ordered  

Posted by Ryan Woods

The Christmas season is supposed to be about the things that are important. And yet I, like you, get so caught up in the busyness of the holiday season that I'm too busy to every reflect or enjoy the actual core important things that surround this season. So I think it has been just wonderful that we have been hemmed into our homes by a little snow storm here in the NW. It's forced me to slow down, sit around, play a game or two, and play more with my kids. Not only is snow amazing and beautiful, but it's also been emotionally refreshing...I'll give the credit for snow to Jesus.

Jesus, you da man.

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I am uncertain what to call myself, but my family and I are committed to the people of downtown Vancouver, WA. We are followers of Christ and hope to be a part of a movement of hope, imagination, and transformation in our developing downtown community.

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