

Posted by Ryan Woods

I generally try to avoid sports talk on my blog even though I love sports quite a bit. But I realize that it doesn't appeal to my general readership.
But I've got to sound off here real quick. Guess who, baring a miracle, will win both of his fantasy football leagues as of tomorrow?! Yep, that's right, I'm talking about myself. In one league I finished first and then carried my momentum straight into the playoffs where I dominated myself to a first place finish. In the other league I barely made the playoffs. In fact I was so bad that I decided to name my team Moxie Machine after my friend Jonathan's business (he happened to be in first place in this very league) hoping it would bring some success. Well, I made it into the playoffs and then proceeded to dominate my first place friend in the first round of the playoffs on my way to another championship!
I think it's obvious, but it must be said...this year...I'm the balls.
Three cheers for Moxie Machine...and...three cheers for Team Windex Firefox...hip hip hooray!

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I am uncertain what to call myself, but my family and I are committed to the people of downtown Vancouver, WA. We are followers of Christ and hope to be a part of a movement of hope, imagination, and transformation in our developing downtown community.

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