
Me So Funny. Me Make You Laugh Long Time  

Posted by Ryan Woods

Remember when I used to be funny (insert your own joke here)? I've written like ten serious blogs in a row! And I've got like six more serious ones up my sleeve that I'm holding on to because I don't want to overwhelm my readers with things that make them think. Nobody wants to think all the time! Hasn't television taught us anything...wait a second...ok, I almost went into an anti television rant. I'm glad that has past.
...on to something funny...
I don't understand why it's considered wrong to scratch your clothed crotch in public. Seriously, when I'm at work I get annoyed that I feel obligated to wash my hands if/when I scratch my clothed ______ (you fill in the blank). Do you poop or pee on the outside of your clothes? I hope not! Then why can't I touch that part of my clothing? Isn't it just the same as scratching my shoulder? I say lets start a revolution! Just like back in the day when gas prices would get too high and everyone would stop buying gas for a day or two and for some reason it caused the gas prices to go back down. Lets all on one predetermined date choose to scratch ourselves in public thus causing a change in our cultures view of this particular action. Who's with me?
...that wasn't funny...it was a pathetic and somewhat disgusting call to arms...hmm...
I heard this funny joke the other day. It went a little something like this: What's the differance between a camera and a sock??? A camera takes photos and a sock takes 5 toes...

...and I'm spent...

10 additions to the conversation

Wow Ry... you've really lost it. And by lost it, I mean your sense of humor, not that lovin feeling. or your mind. you're just not funny. Turns out Lisa was right.

oh... baZING!

don't fight it. If you have a serious blog that will make us think about life and tv and the environment, you go right ahead and post it, Big Man. You go right. ahead.

and know that I will never EVER call you Big Man again.

i actual ythought the crotch thing was mildly funny...but i havent had much humor in my posts either, so ...maybe i have warped sence of funny-ness.

POWER TO THE PEOPLE MY BROTHER!!! just kidding. Crotch scratching would definitely put a damper on the whole wedding thing

Ryan Woods, I will give you a hundred dollars if there is a picture of you actively scratching your crotch in the presence of guests at John's wedding. I'm serious.

ps: know where I can get some weeeeeed?

and ps.... i found the meaning of the parental advisory sticker on the Damien Rice cd just now.... i think it's where he yells "Eff you! Eff you! Eff you!" over and over....

just a guess.

Scratching your crotch tells me (as the viewer) that you do indeed have sex organs. And that they itch. Two pieces of information that I (as one of your tables) can live without.

My waiters and waitresses should be sexless robots designed just so serve me cheese fries - nothing more or less than that.

youre so shallow

me make you scratch long tim

to get that last joke one must watch

or just be a pubic louse

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I am uncertain what to call myself, but my family and I are committed to the people of downtown Vancouver, WA. We are followers of Christ and hope to be a part of a movement of hope, imagination, and transformation in our developing downtown community.

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