

Posted by Ryan Woods

Is it me or is it the potatoes?
Ok, not counting all you people who put ketchup on everything known in creation, aren't potato products and the way in which we eat them intriguing?
If you fry a potato into a stick you dip it in ketchup. If you cut it flat and fry it you'd dip it in bean dip. If you fry it in a skillet or saute pan it's usually served with eggs or sausage. If you bake it it comes with sour cream and chives. If you boil and mash it you put a meat gravy over the top. You wouldn't think of dipping your fries into bean dip. And neither would you eat eggs with your mashed potatoes. It's strange isn't it? Would you ever think of pouring gravy over your Lay's? I seriously doubt it.
Is it me or is it the potatoes?

13 additions to the conversation

This is why potatoes are so great! So Josh and I were at a resturant the other other day and we kept overhearing this guy at another table say something about potatoes and then laugh. "She likes her potatoes. Ha Ha Ha" . . . " . . . potatoes. . . hahaha" .............. "it must be those potatoes . . ha ha ha" It was very interstring.

It's the tater.

Remember when you, me, and Elio found that guy's potato patch? We harvested the potatoes and proceeded to throw them against rocks. I hope that guy didn't need those for nourishment. :(

"poe-tay-toes. mash em, boil em, stick em in a stew."
what movie?

You forgot that you can launch them hundreds of feet with a long hunk of PVC pipe and a can of hairspray. Food and Fun with Potatoes!

I love you potatoes.

Tara... that's the link. you should watch it.

how do you feel about ff and mustard?

mmm sometimes i want to eat mustard by the spoonfull and it makes eric throw up...

it makes arwen throw up too.....

I love that you can have a potato for every meal and it doesn't seem like you are eating the same thing.
Mustard is the most glorious condiment around. First off, it is yellow- the same color as the sun! Second, it is the most important ingredient in my favorite ghetto snack- Biscuits dipped in mustard. Yummy in my tummy.

Ok, given the number of single males who likely view this blog with interest I'm gonna say two words that redefined the term condiment for all time to come...Ranch sauce.

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I am uncertain what to call myself, but my family and I are committed to the people of downtown Vancouver, WA. We are followers of Christ and hope to be a part of a movement of hope, imagination, and transformation in our developing downtown community.

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