Posted by Ryan Woods
Posted by Ryan Woods
8 additions to the conversation
wasn't the frog just for fun? not at Reffstock? or did more than one frog meet it's end at the hands of you crazy homeschoolers....?
Alternate title for this post: "The Man, The Legend, The Reffstock
That was very impressive! I witnessed the whole thing and recieved my own cap.
Side note: I pass a business tha's called 'Ol Rip Cap Co.
As a parent and as a youth minister, there was SO much that I did not want to know about Reffstock.
I think I've still got a few of those hats. I also think I have the one and only Reffstock t-shirt (white with a badly faded pic of Ryan and Jeff).
I don't remember much of what happend that weekend, but I do remember thinking that it wasn't as much fun as I had hoped. I think most of the teens tried to find ways of making out or something with their significant other. As the "director" (the only one who wasn't trying to make out teh whole time) it was a bit unsettling to think of nasty stuff happening at my camp. It kinda put a damper on the weekend if I remember right.
I remember making out with your sister. It was pretty sweet! Thanks for providing a venue for your sister and I to make out...
...Have I mentioned that I make out with your sister frequently?
wrong post, Ben. all the dirty talk belongs on the next post.
btw: sick.
excuse microwaved a frog?
That is just sick and wrong. I remember wondering what happened to my little pet.
i also killed a few inocent animals at camp yam. it was a tub of salimanders that i confiscated from some 3rd graders...and then i forgot about them in the window sill...until a week later...oops.