
The Sex Free Bible  

Posted by Ryan Woods

I've been trying to figure out how to best write this blog, but alas I feel that things would be best represented if I just cut and paste the article into my post. So here it is. React to it. Let me know what you think. And remember that this is no joke.

Freehold, Iowa - After working with several church pastors for the better part of two years, James Montrose, principal of Landover Elementary School, announced last week that an abridged KJV Bible, omitting all references to illicit and deviant sex acts, has been finalized for use at the school next year. Montrose formally proposed to the Board of Deacons that the new Bible, roughly the size of a theater program, be required reading in all classes in place of the salacious unabridged version.
“It is beyond question that the Holy Bible, in unedited form, is simply not appropriate for children,” observed Montrose in testimony to the Board. The unabridged Bible is loaded with passages describing in detail such disgusting topics as premature ejaculation (Leviticus 15:2-15; 22:3-5), wet dreams (Leviticus 15:16-18, 32), voyeurism (Leviticus 18:6-20); damaged testicles (Leviticus 21:20; Deuteronomy 23:1); people taking a dump in the middle of camp (Deuteronomy 23:12-14); hemorrhoids (1 Samuel 5:9; 6:4-5), people urinating on a wall (1 Samuel 25:22; 26:34; 1 Kings 14:10; 16:11; 21:22; 2 Kings 9:8), people eating their own feces and drinking their urine (2 Kings 18:27; Isaiah 36:12; Ezekiel 4:12, 15), menstruation (just about all of Leviticus), etc., etc., etc. And those are just from a few books I reviewed this morning. Some of these topics are too prurient even for an S&M club. In fact, many parts of the Good Book are so tawdry that the Bible would be the first book hurled into the flames at our weekly book burnings - were it not inspired by God, of course.”
Montrose, along with Pastors Seff Stryker and Don Holmes, prepared the new version of the Bible by scratching out all the X-rated passages in one of Montrose’s old copies of the KJV 1611. “By the time we were finished, my old Bible looked like a White House Enron document produced to a Senate subcommittee,” noted Montrose. “But as a result of our work, children will no longer be exposed to Biblical passages too risque for Penthouse Forum. And children will be able to finish reading the Bible within days of the start of the school year. This will afford their teachers plenty of time to have students memorize passages describing the violence God inflicts upon sinners.”
Not all Board members favor the proposed new version. Brother Harry Hardwick led a minority of deacons opposed to the abridged Bible. “Don’t get me wrong,” cautioned Brother Harry. “I recognize that the definitive version of the Lord’s Word was written by that unrepentant sodomite, King James, and therefore contains far more graphic descriptions of intimacy than any heterosexual author would ever have inserted. Nevertheless, many of these passages offer useful information to children, such as the disastrous fate that awaits them if they lust, masturbate or have premarital sex. Without including the passages describing God’s wrath toward the sexually active, many youngsters may believe they have a green light to practice the most deviant of acts.”
In response to Brother Harry’s concern, Pastor Deacon Fred proposed the following amendment to Montrose’s proposal:
“All children will be told each day during homeroom that any sexual activity before marriage, with or without a partner, will send the culprits hurtling toward Hell where red-tailed demons with giant purple penises will sodomize them for eternity.”
After the Board passed his proposal with the amendment, Montrose agreed to instruct teachers to deliver the homeroom lecture ever morning. However, he warned that he was unsure how teachers would explain to their pupils what “sodomize” means - especially since they will no longer have the full Bible as a reference.

15 additions to the conversation

Dude, that's such a joke; no really, this is a satirical story. It's funny though.

is this for real?
if so, i feel so sorry for those children.

And then they send the kids home to watch TV.

premature ejaculation, wet dreams, voyeurism; damaged testicle; people taking a dump in the middle of camp; hemorrhoids, people urinating on a wall, people eating their own feces and drinking their urine, menstruation don't happen in real life. I agree that perhaps some of the things, like PreJac shouldn't be discussed AT THAT POINT, but, I was barely in the 5th grade when I "learned first hand" about "menstration" and hemorrhoids happen to the best of us. When these people were doing things in biblical times, where were the kids? Did kids see people urinating on walls? Did they witness people "Taking Dumps" in the middle of town (excellent choice of wording on the author's part...). People need to stop trying to save kids. It's hopeless.

Are there seriously people like this? How many people could possibly even listen to these people with laughing? My child may not be able to go to a school where they pray but they sure will go to a school where they have the nasty bible read!

Maybe they should take out anything having to do with sin, too, because we wouldn't want anyone to think they can do those things too! What the...?

holy crap stains.

Haha! Did you get this from the Landover Baptist site?

You did! I just found it there. You little sneaky.

PS. I have found the Landover Baptist site to be funny on many occasions...but I have also come to the conclusion that unlike other Christian satire sites, this one actually is run by people who hate Christians.

Another one to check out (my fav) is www.larknews.com

ronnie, i thought you were asking if "holy crap stains" was from the Landover Baptist site. lol. i was like, uh.. no, i made it up...

Tairruh, I love that you spelled my name wrong when it is written out for you directly above where you put your comment.

see if i ever write your name again- ronzinini.

Can I just say that I am thrilled that you have not posted yet becasue I can only now tell you that the night that I read your post for the first time I had a dream that you actually got put on a talk show the very next morning about your post! Not to mention the fact that I was completely humiliated on live t.v. because it was indeed an untrue story and I believed your lie. Amazingly enough your blog posts had earned you previous air time! it was a pretty good dream. For you, anyway.

i totally thought that was from the onion!

what is this landover baptist thing?

Tips for Being a Successful Landlord

In today’s apartment rental market there are several things that are “must do’s” for becoming a successful landlord. The reason you’re playing the real estate rental game is to have the check in your mailbox on the first of the month, right? Here are a few tips that can help you to achieve this with as little aggravation and frustration possible.

First and foremost is finding the right tenant to rent your apartment, house or other rental. This is the most important ingredient in the recipe. Checking the prospective tenant’s credit history to make sure they are paying their bills is one of the best ways you can screen. A tenant that pays their bills on time most likely will send you their rent on time. Establish a clear system on collecting rent, handling complaints from the tenant and how you will contact them if you need to gain access to the apartment.

Secondly, get all the important terms of the tenancy in writing. You have the option to have a basic rental agreement or draw up a formal lease. Whichever you decide, the important thing is to document the terms that you and the tenant agreed to. Clarify who is paying the utilities, the rental price and any other agreements made between you and your tenant.

It’s a good idea to stay on top of the repair and maintenance needs of your property. When you are notified of something that is broken or not working, repair it as soon as possible to prevent further damages. You may also lawfully enable the tenant to withhold rent, sue for injuries caused by defective conditions or move out without notice.

On a similar topic make sure you are carrying enough property and liability insurance to cover yourself in any situation. A well designed insurance program can protect your rental property from losses caused by everything from fire and storms to burglary, vandalism, and personal injury lawsuits.

I hope that this has been helpful to you. Just remember, as long as you follow these simple tips you will be on your way to a happy and fulfilling landlord future. Best of luck!

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Eric Goldstein, associated with www.AllSpaces.com which Conveniently Connects All People with All Spaces in All Places, has been dedicated to the real estate rental market for over 8 years. He has assisted over 25,000 landlords with their renting needs. Any questions about renting apartments, houses or other rentals feel free to visit www.AllSpaces.com or email him at Eric@AllSpaces.com.

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I am uncertain what to call myself, but my family and I are committed to the people of downtown Vancouver, WA. We are followers of Christ and hope to be a part of a movement of hope, imagination, and transformation in our developing downtown community.

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