
Marines, War, Christianity, and Peace  

Posted by Ryan Woods

Here's what I notice about guys who join the Marines (I would lump all service men into the group, but there is such a difference in the training of a Marine compared with the Navy or whatever):

  • They are trained to hate: this is essential so that they are able to do their job without question. If they begin to put personality and likeable qualities to those who they fight they begin to be weak and to crack. Therefore they hate.
  • They only see black and white: I'm not referring to race, but to their paradigm on life. There is no grey, there can't be.
  • They learn to "love" to kill: I put "love" in quotations 'cause in my heart I believe that it's just a front and not truly a part of them. I hope that I'm right.
  • They become paranoid: China is coming for us, and if you're not careful they will find your myspace and kill your family just to get to you.
  • Everyone should be armed: If we all carried guns then nobody would get raped, robbed, or murdered. Who would even dare such a thing when they know that the woman getting into her car has a .22? Makes sense right?
  • Getting help is a sign of weakness: Did you know that if you, as a Marine, see a therapist it goes on your permanent record as a blemish? It's weakness. Marines aren't weak, they are strong. Getting help is for the weak.

I could go on for a while. Don't waste your time arguing or agreeing with any of those points. Help me through this thought though:

Pacifism doesn't work on a large scale. Every pacifist is protected by someone who is willing to fight. If pacifist were in charge years ago we would all be Nazi right? So I understand that sometimes, some places, for some causes war is necessary. I also realize that most of the bullet points above are essential for creating a war machine. Thats what Marines are, they are machines created for winning wars. And they work. Marines do what the other branches do not/cannot. But here is the dilemma, I don't want anyone that I know and love to be like those bullet points. How could I ever endorse my son to be a part of something where he is trained to hate, be a bigot, kill, pretend, blah, blah, blah?! I can't. And yet, I know that it must be done. I cannot even imagine having a positive outlook on anyone who calls themselves a Christian joining the Marines. Because those bullet points go against what being a Christian is all about. One might argue, "But Ryan, just because they join they don't have to be like that." But I would say that they do. Maybe if they never go to war it would be easy to hide it. But they are not a Jarhead if they aren't willing to buy into to what that title means. Does that mean that I endorse all the unbelievers in going to war in the Christians stead? I'm pretty sure that doesn't work either.

And so, I find myself praying for those I know in the service, and praying for war to end. Peace.

*It's got to be said that I'm an ignorant civilian and this is all just from my perspective after watching and talking to only a few service men.

14 additions to the conversation

I think this was the scarriest blog you have ever written. See how no onw will say anything. Freaky!

I am pretty sure if I leave a comment that GWBush will start reading my blog regularly.

Crap, I just left a comment.

i think i know who youve been talking to...but i shant name any names...i wish i could think of a way to find out if im right, like using code words or something...but i cant.

p.s. remember when i tried to send that shirt to arwen, when she lived with you and it just came back to me and then she moved away so i never re-sent it? well, i just opened the envelope and found that there was money in it to give to you guys for fathers day!! oops! it will be in the mail tomorrow!

Cool. I love money.

Oddly enough, the day after I posted this my blog got shut down for about 8 hours! I think it was gw!!!

I would comment but I have to go hem a pair of britches.

Love it!!! although i know you didn't want it to be funny. i laughed the first half. i KNOW whom you have been talking to. Keep praying. Love you.

So...nothing? Nobody has any good advice? Nothing at all? Well shucks, that sucks. (what if I made that my new catch phrase?)

look its melissa!! hi mis! me and you are on the same page, if you know what im sayin....

i like when you say shucks, ryan, its funny, i dont think ive heard that classic since 4th grade.

I wish I had something great to tell you. All I know is that God tells us not to murder, he doesn't say that we cannot kill. And as I recall, he mentions hating a few people himself. There are times that are meant for peace and others that require war. And different people are made to do different things.
If I were a Bible nerd, I'd give you more specific references but I'm not.

Yeah I know all those references. And I wish that it were that cut and dry, but I dont' think that it is.
I think that war is authorized by God (to some extent), I even think that killing is also authorized by God in certain contexts.
But I'm not so sold on hate. God can hate 'cause his judgment is what counts. God can do whatever the frick he wants. God can have a holy hate (if that makes sense), but I'm not sure that I can. And I'm pretty sure that a Marine can't (no offense to you Marines out there).
I look at all those I've seen go to war and they come back a shell of themselves. (and I'm talking about real war, not sitting on a boat while others are shooting, stabbing, and all that bloody jazz).
I could go on, I just don't think that there is any black and white, just a bunch of grey. Or even better, there isn't grey, there is that color that comes only when you mix like 12 colors together. I think it's some kind of pukey greenish brown.

YOU SENT ME A SHIRT!? I really thought that you were just faking that you sent something like J& R faked sending you Eric's birthday card... send it to me now!!!

Thank you for addressing this issue, Ry. I know you said that we should not agree or disagree with you because it's pointless, but I have to say that I agree. I dated a marine one time (you all know the story) and he and his friends (also marines) would just sit around saying how much they wish someone would start a war so that they could go kill people. He was a really nice guy...

also, i like how you said "bullet points" in the same sentance as "war machine." it just seemed perfectly ironic to me.

i am a pacifist for sure . . . but that's because my life has never been directly impacted by war, i loathe hatred, fighting and killing and wish hope and PRAY that there will always be a better way than war . . . but i also know that i do not live in utopia.

it really is a rough dilemma. i don't like it.

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I am uncertain what to call myself, but my family and I are committed to the people of downtown Vancouver, WA. We are followers of Christ and hope to be a part of a movement of hope, imagination, and transformation in our developing downtown community.

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