
News Report  

Posted by Ryan Woods

So did you hear the big news that Pope Benny read some quote that referred to Muslims as "evil and inhumane"? Yeah, apparently he read it at some graduation in Germany and now all people everywhere are up in arms about it. I agree that making broad generalizations about people is wrong and all that, but here is the funny part. Since that blunder there has been one nun killed, many photos of the pope torched, rioting, a calling for jihad against those who follow the cross, and countless protests. Don't get me wrong, I know that someone as important as the pope can't just going around saying what he thinks, but isn't it funny that the outcome of his statements has been violence? Doesn't that, in some way, agree with his words? In every religion, political party, group, associate, nation, club, or family there is going to be radicals. People that take things too far. People who misrepresent the others in the group. I know that to some respect this is the case with the Muslim community here, but man, I'm overwhelmed with the sheer number of radicals associated with that group.
I guess everyone has their time, their spot in history where they do atrocious things to people (honestly I have no idea if thats true, but lets just go with it for now). But I guess these days I see people raggin' on Christianity all the time. You've got that one rapper dude on the cover of Rolling Stone mocking Jesus, you've got Madonna hanging on a disco cross with a crown of thorns on a soon to be aired nbc special, every famous person in Hollywood speaks about how Muslims are misunderstood all the while trashing Christianity. And it's not Hollywood to blame, 'cause they just give us what we want. Thet give us what gets them the fame and fortune (for more on this see Vanna White, she's filthy rich). I'm just tired of it. Maybe we should get some more prominent radicals to kill a nun, enslave a nation with war, declare holy war on some Buddhists, burn pictures of Muhammad (oh wouldn't everybody just love that! Not only would we have pictures of him, we'd also be burning them!)...and then, then if we did all of those things, maybe then people would cry out: "Christians are misunderstood! They're a peace-loving bunch of people!"

As I have made very clear in the past, I know very little about world news. I need to change that in my life, but thats just how it is. So, after reading this post I hope you can remember that I'm pretty ignorant of what is going on big picture.

Oh, and I disagree with much of what I said. So don't worry too much about it.

4 additions to the conversation

i'm very proud of you for posting a current event, Ry. what he did was quoted someone from way back in the day that said that some of Muhammad's muslim teachings encouraged hate and stuff. I think it kind of sounds like some one is a little too sensitive and needs to actually listen to what is said. You may also like to know that the Muslim extreeeeeeemists say that the US, England, and The Poop should be blamed because we are all evil. I'm not sure what we have to do with the Poop, but... um... yeah... whatever. Tony Blair is evil too. Blair, Bush, and The Poop. They make nasty bedfellows....


again: why do people have to get their panties in a wad?

(that statement goes well with "bedfellows" i should say)

can't we all just be friends? we could hold hands, sing kum bai ya (how DO you spell that?) and make s'mores around a campfire.

Thank you for writing what I have been thinking: it drips of irony that the Pope's comments about Muslims being violent was met with violence.

(Now if we could just get people to forget about the crusades.)

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I am uncertain what to call myself, but my family and I are committed to the people of downtown Vancouver, WA. We are followers of Christ and hope to be a part of a movement of hope, imagination, and transformation in our developing downtown community.

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