Prim Rib of Propecia
Posted by Ryan Woods
Tonight at work I had a breakthrough! Two major things happened that have never happened before.
I'm a server. And tonight I received the largest tip ever. Seriously. Lets just say...2438!!!!!!!!! Sure it was in Japanese Yen. But how cool is that? The number might have been slightly different, big numbers like that are hard to remember exactly. But as it turns out it was a 23.88 tip (which isn't too bad).
Secondly, I sold a 40 oz cut of prime rib! Eeww! Just in case you were wondering, thats 2.5 pounds (just in case you were wondering, the photo on the right is exactly one pound of meat/i.e. less than half of what the man ordered), on one plate, for one man, for one meal, who finished the whole thing at one sitting, plus cheese fries, plus a whole pint and a half of au jus!!! It was a beautiful and disgusting thing.