
Prim Rib of Propecia  

Posted by Ryan Woods

Tonight at work I had a breakthrough! Two major things happened that have never happened before.
I'm a server. And tonight I received the largest tip ever. Seriously. Lets just say...2438!!!!!!!!! Sure it was in Japanese Yen. But how cool is that? The number might have been slightly different, big numbers like that are hard to remember exactly. But as it turns out it was a 23.88 tip (which isn't too bad).
Secondly, I sold a 40 oz cut of prime rib! Eeww! Just in case you were wondering, thats 2.5 pounds (just in case you were wondering, the photo on the right is exactly one pound of meat/i.e. less than half of what the man ordered), on one plate, for one man, for one meal, who finished the whole thing at one sitting, plus cheese fries, plus a whole pint and a half of au jus!!! It was a beautiful and disgusting thing.

13 additions to the conversation

Dude! you had that little Japanese eating champion in YOUR store! That's the only possible explanation (that I will accept).

i have that scene from the great outdoors in my head... "you ain't done..."

"but all that's left is the fat and gristle."

"you ain't done...."

I would really like to meat this guy.

That is so gross.

My honest feeling is that this guy eating that much is more disgusting than you sleeping in pee.

Seriously, that is gross. Don't get me wrong, I love the outback, it rev's my engine, but 40 oz of meat doesn't belong on a single plate. (movie reference slightly altered, one guess as to what movie) Anyways, thats gross, i love outback, especially the coconut shrimp, and thats a nice tip.

eeewwwww . . . that picture is so gross!

that much meat at one time can't be healthy . . .


Roni you are such a nerd!

Ah! Who is this "blog" person!?

It's probably that Raj guy again. He said he was gone, but I think he just can't get enough of us.

raj isnt really gone, dont be fooled. you know he still reads all the blogs and its killing him not to make nasty comments.
when i saw that picture of the steak (if you can even call it that) i threw up in my mouth a little.

T,that's gross. Hey, maybe your dog likes to eat throw up, too... Yep.. that's gross. Sorry.

This kind of applies and kind of doesn't, but you should be used to that by now.

I was obviously having a bad day yesterday, and the server at old Chicago (where I go frequently, and was once a regular--like, 4 to 5 days a week) could tell something was off. He chatted with me and was very nice. Then he wouldn't let me pay for my meal. (I've gotten several free meals at OC, because I'm always nice to the servers and I tip well, I guess. So this wasn't too unusual.) It was so sweet of him, but I protested that if he did that, I wouldn't be able to tip him since I only had cards with which to pay. He said that was fine, but it's not fine with me. I need to go over to my bank and cash a check so I can go drop off a tip.
I feel really badly that I couldn't leave him a fiver yesterday.

Fun fact: this particular server looks uncannily like that annoying blond guy at the TGI Friday's-esque restaurant from the movie Office Space. But he's nice and not obnoxiously cheerful to the point of inciting homocidal rage.

"sounds like somebody's having a case of the mondays"

"wanna see my flair?"

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I am uncertain what to call myself, but my family and I are committed to the people of downtown Vancouver, WA. We are followers of Christ and hope to be a part of a movement of hope, imagination, and transformation in our developing downtown community.

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