
The Compact Revisited  

Posted by Ryan Woods

If you didn't know, about six months ago Jessica and I joined "The Compact". We agreed to forgo purchasing anything new. Everything we buy, aside from a short list of duh things (medicine, underwear, etc.), must be used. It was kind of annoying and difficult at first. But the excitement of it and the challenge itself kind of drove us. We had to check ourselves after a month because we found that we were being too proactive in looking for used things on craigslist that we were nearly buying more stuff than we did before the compact. The last four months, however, have been much different. I've nearly forgotten that we are a part of the compact because we just stopped buying things all together. No seriously, we just don't shop. At all.

We sound pretty hard core right? Well, before you get too many ideas I must clarify that it hasn't been a completely free choice. We don't have any money. It's as simple as that. You can't buy stuff if you don't have money...oh wait, yes you can! It's called credit. Huh, I hadn't actually thought about that angle while writing this post...I think I've got to reorient myself...Let's change gears a bit...

Debt sucks. If you're in debt you know this. It drags you down, it wastes your money, it creates a mirage of prosperity that is actually just the beginning of financial demise (see: us government). So don't get in debt. And if you're already in debt you should get out of it. I know, I know, I know what you're thinking. "Obviously Ryan, if I could get out of debt I would." Well to that I would respond by telling you that Renovatus is hosting a 13 week course called Financial Peace University and you should come (if you live in Vancouver). It's only going to be $100 for the whole class and it will change your life...for the better. If you can't afford the $100 to come then you need to come. I promise you this: you will make back the $100 it costs to attend in one month of practising this stuff. So don't worry about the money that part is easy. See you there!

6 additions to the conversation

jon and i haven't been buying things either and we are actually making LESS this year than last year . . . our rent is more this year than last year and somehow we've managed to put some money in savings. cause we just aren't buying crap we don't need. even when we think we might need it. we really don't need it.

now we might actually be able to pay off our debts!

We did Financial Peace a few yrs ago and LOVEd it. It really does change how you think. Does it make me a huge nerd that I used to listen to Dave Ramsey's radio program every day? Yes, it does. It is wonderful as well, you should listen to it.

We just went out of debt thanks to my brother(your bestest friend ever)introducing us to Dave Ramsey.We have no credit card and paid off our cc balance and eliminated our car payment.Sure we're down to one car but its okay I don't think we have ever been more on point and on purpose before.We are excited to see how this next goes.Hope Renovatus brings in people with open hearts and the yearning to shift their mindset, it really is life changing

I heart Dave Ramsey.
When Christopher and I had been married for about 8 months we signed up for Financial Peace U at our church. It was amazing!!!! We thought so completely differently than each other about money before we went and it caused a lot of stress between us. Since we went through the course we have been so peaceful about money! What a relief!! We still don't think exactly the same but so much more than before because we sat down and made a plan of where we wanted to get and how we needed to spend to get there. I absolutely recommend it to anyone even if you think you are good with your money. The class just provided so many great tools and ideas that I never would've thought of on my own.

hmmm, i want to come. spread the word. Do I have to google this guy everyone is talking about?

dave ramsey changed our lives forever. not as much as jesus, but definitely made a lasting impact on us. we have nearly paid off my student loans. in just a few months we will be debt free.

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I am uncertain what to call myself, but my family and I are committed to the people of downtown Vancouver, WA. We are followers of Christ and hope to be a part of a movement of hope, imagination, and transformation in our developing downtown community.

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