A Post for Lori Clark
Posted by Ryan Woods
Lori says that my blog is boring and that I need to start posting more interesting things. Ouch. Thanks Lori for the motivation...I'd like to show you my gratitude by writing you a poem:
Lori Clark seems quite niceShe's Agape's newly appointed women's minister sans liceShe's happyShe's joyfulShe's really great.She once taught my dear nieceAnd now that niece is eightShe hates my blog and reads nonethelessLike a fly to a bug zapper heading to its deathThe olympics are in ChinaSo is Yao MingLori's married to Ron and its much more than a flingHe's really good lookin' with an earring and allHis traveling days will be over come this fall.This poem reminds me of my blogpointless and randompossibly funny and possibly, as Lori would put it, boring.Thanks Lori.