
P.A.P.A. Pictures  

Posted by Ryan Woods

Sorry I don't have more and better pictures. It was an intense weekend with two kids, so photos were harder to keep on top of...enjoy.

Our little pilgrim girl. "J"- that "j" was from Jones.

Our beautiful family minus me.

Jones' favorite thing was the drumming classes!

Here's the kids area. It was very well done and my kids had a great time.

Here's the best shot I could get of the camping area. It doesn't look like as many tents as it was.

Lots of sweaty hippies listening to Tony Campolo talk to us over the phone.

Jones can find a good stick anywhere he goes. He also picked out his own sun hat when we were in Wyoming. Like it?

Me with our wonderful tent.

India did great at Papa fest. This is where she'd take her naps.

I don't remember what Shane was doing up on stage here. I just wanted to get a good shot of the crowd.

More camping stuff.

The stage and the band getting ready for worship.

4 additions to the conversation

It looks like a hippie fest to me. I am glad you went and it was as awesome as you wanted it to be. Indie is so stinking cute, and I love the hat jones picked out- it is just his style. Thanks for the photos... I miss your sweet family.

I like pilgrim India and Jess with the kids. Presh.

the pic of jess and the kids has reminded me of something and I haven't been able to place my finger on it. But i just got it:

If hobbits had been (hypothetically)(heh.... schmailea...) hippies, she'd have been... like... queen hobbit hippy.

ok, i don't know if you will ever read this since its a month later - but i am so happy to see all the papa fest pics. Precious times - its so cool that you guys drove to Chicago! Crazy, just crazy!


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I am uncertain what to call myself, but my family and I are committed to the people of downtown Vancouver, WA. We are followers of Christ and hope to be a part of a movement of hope, imagination, and transformation in our developing downtown community.

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