

Posted by Ryan Woods

My wife and I went to McMenamins at Edgefield last week. It was amazing. Last minute my mother-in-law, God bless her, offered to watch India overnight for us. So as it turned out we were completely child free. If you're not familiar with Edgefield then you're not familiar with love, because it's an amazing place. Jessica beat me in darts, I beat her in pool, we ate, we drank, we played games, we walked and talked, but most importantly we slept. We slept as long as we wanted and as often as we wanted. It was amazing. My wife is amazing. And Edgefield is amazing...but not as amazing as my wife...or God.

6 additions to the conversation

Mmm, that sounds divine! Seriously. I want to go...maybe when we come home in August we should go on a doulble date to Edgefield! From the looks of the picture, it seems Jess also picked vegetables while at Edgefield. Who knew??


That is our favorite hangout...we ate there last night, love me some ruby ale! On thursday evenings in the summer they have great free concerts on their big lawn. We go a lot!
Glad that you guys got to go and have some alone time!

in a slightly serious commentually way, I have to tell you that I really truly love how serious you are about God, but at the same time, you are so totally NOT serious about God. I like that. It makes our friendship possible.

And let me say that I'm proud of you guys for allowing India to be away from you. I'm glad you got time to sleep and be together. I'm sure it was long overdue.

sorry your wife wants to be pregnant again.

you're wrong. She doesn't.

Before I read the post I was jealous at Jessica's mature garden! Never mind.
Time with your spouse is pretty great! It was really great hanging out with Ben every second for two and a half days. I'm glad you had some time together!!

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I am uncertain what to call myself, but my family and I are committed to the people of downtown Vancouver, WA. We are followers of Christ and hope to be a part of a movement of hope, imagination, and transformation in our developing downtown community.

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