Party Time
Posted by Ryan Woods
God has been so faithful these last few months...I say that as if he hadn't been faithful before that time and may or may not be faithful after. Well my reason for saying that is it was a few months ago that Jessica and I started fund raising for our work with Renovatus for the first time. Up until today I have been working with Renovatus for free or for peanuts in a part time roll. And it has been wonderful! Working at Outback a few days a week has been enough to pay our bills and then allows me to spend more time in ministry which is where my heart is (the irony is that some of the greatest opportunity for ministry happens at Outback).
So some of you may have received letters saying "we want your money!" or some variation. Some of you may have received phone calls saying "we want your money!" or some more gentle version. Others of you may know absolutely nothing that I speak of.
Here's the thing, while letters and phone calls that ask for money seem to scream "GIVE US YOUR CASH!", that's really not what we want most. I believe that God is creating a foundation for our present and future ministry. Not just a foundation of financial partners, but a foundation of people who are excited and passionate about what God is doing through Jessica and I, through Renovatus, and through all the other new church plants sprouting all around us. Why should you be excited? Well I'm glad you asked because on Sunday, February 10th you are invited to a casual meal at the Vancouver Church of Christ to hear about what is going on in our ministry, in Renovatus' community, and in church planting in the Northwest. You are all invited. There will be dinner, it will be casual, and you will get to be a part of the growing fascination in what God could, and will do in the following years.
You and anyone you know are invited. We could have ten or we could have fifty people there so please rsvp to me via this blog, my email:, or call me at 360-991-4555. The party starts at 6:30 and I'd love for you to be there.