Posted by Ryan Woods
I'm taking this out of context. If you want the context you'll have to read Rob Bell's book Sex God. Otherwise, I thought this was interesting. What do you think? (oh and by the way, the "you" is referring to women)
Do you realize that you're worth dying for?
You don't need to give yourself away to someone who won't give himself to you. You don't need to use your body to get what you need. It's a cop out for not being a certain kind of woman-a woman of dignity and honor.
Some women only know how to relate to men by making a series of transactions. They want to be wanted, and the man wants, the man wants what lots of men want. So they trade. Essentially they strike a deal with men, time and time again.
I have what you want, and you have what I want, so let's make a deal. I need this, you need that.
Some women learn at an early age how to negotiate. They need to be loved, to be validated, to be worth something, and they discover that by giving a little of themselves to a boy, they get what they need in return. It's a cycle, a pattern that can stay with them their entire lives.
Sex becomes a search. A search for something they're missing. A quest for the unconditional embrace. And so they go from relationship to relationship, looking for what they already have.
This search is about that need.
But sex is not the search for something that's missing. It's the expression of something that's been found. It's designed to be the overflow, the culmination of something that a man and a woman have found in each other. It's a celebration of this living, breathing thing that's happening between the two of them.