Posted by Ryan Woods
Here's what I know about politics...
- Obama is the coolest. Too bad he's a terrorist.
- Gulianni ain't gonna take no crap from nobody.
- That dude from Arizona has really short arms and tries to be too cool.
- Hillary is evil.
- Gore is pathetic and a hypocrite.
- There's some Mormon running for one of the parties.
- I think it is illegal to kill old people (what happened to Dr. Death?).
- As long as Christians fight against terrorism and gays we can forget about abortion.
- If Mr. C Powell ran for pres the world would be a better place.
- Democrats suck.
- Republicans suck.
- Whigs are where it's at.
- Donkey::Democrat as Jackass::______...(I'm still not quite sure how these equations work)
- Republicans fuel is fear
- Democrats fuel is biodiesel
- JB in 2012!
I reserve the right to add to this list as my knowledge grows.