Posted by Ryan Woods
I read a cool line yesterday while I was going to the bathroom. I wish I could quote it perfectly, but that would include me standing up to go get the book. In essence it said that giving isn't a luxury of the rich. It's a privilege of the poor.
All people have the opportunity to give. The act of giving itself is a gift that many people miss out on. I like it. I want to be better at it. I want to make out with it. Can I say that?
Jesus said that it's hard to be rich and to live a kingdom life (Renovatus is talking about what kingdom life is like, and it's all about being like Jesus...duh). I'm glad I'm not rich. Being rich can be a blessing and a curse. So can being poor I guess. I prefer being poor. Is that weird?
Here's the thing, though, we need rich people. If there aren't good, generous, loving rich people then the poor, the needy, and me will go without much of what could have been. I've got some friends who are a good example of the kind of rich people that we need. They aren't rich by many peoples standards but according to mine they are quite wealthy. And they are two of the most giving people I know. I've never asked them to give to a cause without them responding generously. They have blessed Jess and I more than I'm willing to blog about. Sometimes they just give us stuff 'cause they want to. And they rarely ever let us give them stuff. Occasionally they let us buy them lunch or something, I think it's because they want to let us enjoy the benefit of giving too. I pray that all you poor people have friends who take care of you. You may not need money, but maybe you've got a friend with a generous ear whose always willing to listen when you need it. I thank my God for my generous friends. May God truly bless them.
It makes me want to bless others. I may not have as much to give but I'm learning to relish the privilege.
Hey, this is post #200. Cool.