

Posted by Ryan Woods

In an age where image is everything where new drinks come and go more often than than the cars in my in-laws driveway. At a time where RC cola is all but dead as it clings to it's meager existence at McMinamins and the Taco's el Pastor joint on Fourth Plain blvd. How is it that Squirt has never revamped? Does anyone realize that there is a semi popular, long standing, good tasting drink named Squirt? Squirt? Seriously? I'm surprised that Pepsi doesn't come out with a rival drink called Shart or Spew or Dribble. Squirt is quite possibly the worst named drink out there, yes, even worse than Coke's Blak (I just don't like the way it looks).
Here's to you Squirt. You've endured through years and years of new and fantastic drinks being developed only to then fade away, all the while you stand strong with your weinerish little name. Well done. I shall drink to you tonight!

10 additions to the conversation

i too love the grapefruity refreshment of Squirt. and now all my energy is gone so I must be going. I think I caught what your wife has...

You caught pregnancy? That's contagious? Crap.

does'nt the word "shart" mean pooping while you fart? MmMmMm...that would be a yummy sounding drink for sure

Have you ever tasted Coke Blak? I think Squirt (or Shart) would better describe that beverage.

i love squirt, squirty squirt squirt...

Don't forget that you can get Squirt at the fountain at Carl's Jr. (Goes perfectly with a $6 burger.)

Thats how all this started! I was going through the drive thru with my son and saw that they had squirt. I was like "Huh, squirt ey? I'll take it" and take it I did.


i don't know how to put this in a way that isn't offensive, but..... sometimes your internal conversations are more entertaining than your externals.

that's a lie. I just wanted to say something like that.

what if we started calling "man parts" externals and "girl parts" internals? I think I'm going to do that.
if you don't like it, I'll kick you in your externals.


What about Mr. Pib? What does that mean? Who is this Mr. Pib and why should I drink him?

Then you have the off-brands: Dr Skipper? Is that Dr Pepper's evil neighbor?

Or have you seen some of the names of energy drinks? "Can o' Wup Ass" by Jones Soda? "Chinese Rocket Fuel? (that one tastes like garbage, by the way) "Adreanalin" by Sobe? Even "Rock Star" - I thought Rock Stars drank Jack Daniels and bong water!

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I am uncertain what to call myself, but my family and I are committed to the people of downtown Vancouver, WA. We are followers of Christ and hope to be a part of a movement of hope, imagination, and transformation in our developing downtown community.

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