
Listening to Amos Lee on a Saturday  

Posted by Ryan Woods

It's Saturday. I'm not going to a wedding. I'm not attending a funeral. I'm not going camping. I'm not on a retreat. For the first time in nearly five years without a single plan I am not working on a Saturday night. It is freeing. It is liverating (yes, I meant to say liberating but liverating came out instead. Considering liberating and freeing are the same thing I thought I'd leave the liver). It's just all around quite nice. I might walk down to Mon Ami and get a coffee with my wife and child. Who knows, maybe we'll run across the street to Walgreen's and buy a Butterfinger or something.

The reason I'm not at work is that I've begun the next phase in the transition from spending a majority of my time as a server, to spending a majority of my time as a connections minister (yeah thats the name I went with. It works). All this is in preparation for spending all of my time as a lead church planter. I don't' see myself being done at the restaurant for good for quite a while. The relationships there are too important to me, as much ministry happens there as it does on Sunday mornings. But it is nice to have one more evening...and that's all I have to say about that.

13 additions to the conversation

im glad you will have more time with the fam...maybe that will be helpful and a blessing since your wife may be on her death bed for the next 9 months! you good little husband.

Don't say death bed.

Ahh... Amos Lee. Now that's a great way to spend a Saturday night. Keep it loose, keep it tight... That's what me and Ben always like to say...

Ryan!!! I am so excited that I am on your list. You are my 1st true blog friend. You have made my Saturday.

Welcome to Saturday night.
Tara--- why you gotta be such a downer. BUT the good news is, if Jess has the triplets we all think she is having, you get Jones!
Punk. I wanted Jones. I'll settle for a trip though... I guess....
But back to Ry. I'm glad you get an alternate night to spend with your family. Did I spell alternate wrong? Cause it doesn't look right...

arwen, i think since jess had an ultrasound and there was only one baby...theres only one baby.
jen, im sorry i said death bed...it wasnt meant literaly. shall i say, very sick bed, instead?
jen again, i like when you say, "keep it loose, keep it tight". thats funny.

Wow! Connections Minister. I love the sound of it, but more than that, I love it that God has brought us this far! This is the next God-step for you and for Renovatus. Beyond that, I am jazzed about you finally after a long wait, finally being able to live over the rainbow. Yeah, over the rainbow!

Tar... there are 3 babies. don't fight me on this.

Eco wentea zangen, outros, yo obreto inga ebroscun, il huma yeo! Oproco out fat ti, per preiro un distarld... Olhastil poi tri nao torjestrai... Nundoreo di yo perres paro yo restivalon...

OH God do I know how you feel ryan.. when I worked at a convience store weekends were just more work for me.. I loved the first weekend I had free after I left that job... I did NOTHING!!! and it was glorious.

DUDE! you got spammed in a foreign laguage!
Connections minister, indeed!

Dearest Barbra,
Thank you for your recent comments. You've validated my in a way that I've never expereinced before. I haven't watched any of your videos, but the simple fact that you've invited me to be in your blogmunity is an honor. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank. Thank.

Hey Ryan, you probably don't remember me. (I used to be one of those looney aim people, I'm not now... anyway.) But that's okay. Congrats on the new baby, it was nice to read your blog and know you're still out there somewhere.

sorry. i polled a Kristi and voted more than once. That is what happens when democrazy goes unsupervised.

I like it when I make silly little word jokes that aren't really funny.

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I am uncertain what to call myself, but my family and I are committed to the people of downtown Vancouver, WA. We are followers of Christ and hope to be a part of a movement of hope, imagination, and transformation in our developing downtown community.

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