
My Poor Mind  

Posted by Ryan Woods in

Did you know that the ABC's song is to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle! I just figured that out yesterday. It's rocked my world.

Concerning children's songs, isn't it strange how all kids know the same songs and rhymes? Like "I'm rubber you're glue..." There is something inherent in children. It's like they're born knowing that "Nah na nah na nah nah" is an effective way of taunting others. Parents don't teach this crap. And yet kids all around the world know it. It freaks my lil mind out.

Poor poor Ryan's mind.

4 additions to the conversation

baa baa black sheep, too.

also, and please please please no one be offended....

recently i was with a little boy, not my own, and he said, "me chinee, me make joke, me go pee pee in your coke."

i nearly died. i hadn't heard that since i was about eight, and i thought for SURE that one would have died out because no parents would tolerate it anymore.

i was sorta right... his mother nearly died and threatened him with bodily harm.

i hadn't heard that version...
"me be funny, me play joke"
"my mommy's chinese, my daddy's japanese. look what they did to me!"(which still, to this day, makes no sense to me because neither japanese nor chinese people's eyes slant down. this i have always known)
There's also
Chinese, Japanese, dirty knees, LOOKIT THESE!

look at these just isn't the same without the hand motion

Dude, you've stumbled upon something. That whole "Nah na nah na nah nah" is the most frequent, naturally occurring musical interval. There are some who claim that is why it ends up in children's taunts. (It is a minor 3rd, btw.) An example of it happening naturally is the sound a car makes when it drives by; you know, that shift in pitch you make when imitating cars on a racetrack. Slow it down and you have "nyaaah, nyah".

Or, my childhood fav: "I saw your hiney; big, black and shiny!" (wow, that's racist.)

My other fav is less racially motivated: "I got some ice cream...Your dad's on welfare." (It does highlight the class differences made by money, however.)

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I am uncertain what to call myself, but my family and I are committed to the people of downtown Vancouver, WA. We are followers of Christ and hope to be a part of a movement of hope, imagination, and transformation in our developing downtown community.

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