Posted by Ryan Woods

Jones loves this book. And for good reason 'cause it's a goodie. Here's the weird thing, though...well...check it out for yourself on this page and tell me why it's weird...

Posted by Ryan Woods
Jones loves this book. And for good reason 'cause it's a goodie. Here's the weird thing, though...well...check it out for yourself on this page and tell me why it's weird...
8 additions to the conversation
does that cat have a puckery little butt hole??
That's exactly what I was thinking! Sick!
IT looks like a butt hole to me! Why would they do that to children? My eyes! My eyes!
Whenever ryan reads that book to Jones (about 10-12 times a day) he asks him to find things..."Jones where's the milk? Where's that bird? Where's the cat's pink butt hole?"
The book is just trying to be true to life. It's a fact; cats always stick their buttholes in your face. If you want to raise this kid right, you might as well let him in on the real world right now. Think how crushing it would be if he found out later? He would be happily petting a little kitty kat and then BAM!, cat butthole in the face.
cat butt!
btw: tara, you said puckery. gross.
That's just not right. Hilarious, but just not right.
Finally! There's no pucker more glaring and obvious in this wide world than a cat's! Butt it seems to be the proverbial "elephant in the room" so I am just pleased that author, Christopher Myers, has stated the obvious. Thanks, Chris. You rock.