

Posted by Ryan Woods

I've got a better group of friends than I used to. I know this because I recieve less forwards than I have in the past. I do not remember the last time I received a forward concerning some cancer patient who needs a transplant. And to be put to the top of the transplant list the doctors have said that she needs an email to be signed by 3001 people...or something stupid like that.
Do you remember those? Are they still around?
What a bunch of Hooey with a capital H.
Here's the question that I pose to you, and it is two fold: Is there really some dying child waiting for an email to circulate soas to raise money to fund her chemotherapy? 'Cause someone should tell her that it doesn't really work. It's a joke. Poor dying child.
Is there some fat guy with his hand tucked beneath his belt who makes up these stupid emails and then sends them to the world? 'Cause if so...umm....why? Seriously. Thats kind of stupid. I understand the nerds who make viruses. It's all about chaos and destruction and all that crap. But the nerds who creat chain emails? Nope, doesn't make a bit of sense.

4 additions to the conversation

Hi. My name is Cho. I did not believe in these emails until I tried it. My wildest dreams came true! All you have to do is forward this to 10 people, and you will get your wish!

Friends are friends forever.

Forward this to 10 people who you think are good friends, and your wish will come true in 3 days.

If you don't forward it to anyone, a bank safe will fall off of a building and kill your mother.

Also, if you just delete this, God will not love you anymore and you will go to hell.


every time i start getting tons of fwds, i switch emails and tell everyone except for the person who has been sending me fwds.

is that evil?

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I am uncertain what to call myself, but my family and I are committed to the people of downtown Vancouver, WA. We are followers of Christ and hope to be a part of a movement of hope, imagination, and transformation in our developing downtown community.

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