
Mel me melmoo  

Posted by Ryan Woods

Some people mocked him, others cursed him, and still others nearly fell to worshiping him as Christendom's new savior...bad news folks, Mel is a chain smoking, Jew hating, foul mouthed alcoholic. Sorry to burst your bubble. Don't misunderstand me. I realize that he is a devout catholic, that he prays and confesses his sins every morning for one hour, that he is responsible for putting the name of Jesus on the lips of nearly every person in America...but he is a human filled with vices.

Have you heard the news?

Try Googles news search engine and read about Mel's little adventure this week. I'm just glad that I'm not a celebrity. I can't imagine having all of my life made fun of by a washed up comedians on VH1 and E! I'm glad that my worst moments will not be displayed to the whole world.

On a slightly different note:
I'm reading Dracula right now. And I love it! The only thing I don't like is that it's too long and I want to know how it ends this very moment.
Secondly, this post sucks.
Thirdly, when I was younger I used to squash grapes in my ears before I would eat them.

11 additions to the conversation

Poor Mel. He will never be allowed to be a normal human. It will be all about extremes. He will have to be an absolute saint or the worst of sinners. That's a lot of pressure....I would probably get hammered and take a nice drive as well.

The funny thing is that I think he has kind of made himself that. He's never said that he's Jesus II or anything, but he does seem to be a man of extremes. Did you know that he said his wife is going to hell 'cause she's a part of the Catholic church? Sucks for her. His daughter is a nun. His dad is a wack job. Which all leads me to say "mel me melmoo"

Melmack. Isn't that where Alf is from?

I pity him because I'm sure it's not easy to live under such rigorous public scrutiny, especially if you're struggling with alcoholism. But another part of me feels like he kind of set himself up for this fall. (Not to mention that he comes off as just as unhinged and immature as his Lethal Weapon character. Man, he says some weird crap. I still try to reserve judgement, but he makes it difficult.) Ryan, I think you're dead-on about the extremes thing.

Although I've got to commend whoever wrote his latest public apology--the one where he issues a plea for help from the leaders of the Jewish community. It's really well written and effective, if you've got an open mind at all. I don't know that it will do anything to save his career, but it makes me think a teensy bit better of him as a human being.

i've always liked Mel. I want to beleive that deep inside he is just a regular guy with problems, like the rest of us...

but he is sorta wack-o, and after he made the passion, my like-o-meter for him has dropped pretty consistantly. He is getting dangerously close to Tom Cruise's level on the meter.

ewe. you like dracula? sick. i had to read it for a class last year and... well... it's britlit and it sucks. It was terribly painful to read.

...doesn't everyone hate jewish people? no? it's just me who's anti-semitic? hm. who woulda thunk it.

p.s. I'm too lazy to put in a sarcasm mark , but I'm not anti-semetic (though I do like the word.)

I remember a south park once where the boys went to Mel's house. I think he might have been correctly portrayed. Hmmm...anyone seen that one?

good thing all of us suck too. and we should stop holding america's ryoalty (aka celebrities) up to a higher standard than ourselves.

for although I do agree that we all suck, I can say honestly that I don't know many people who drink and drive (and those I know who do drink and drive loose much of my respect), not to mention that I don't know many people who truly and honestly are vocal about their hatred of Jews. That might just be me.
What I do think is that Hollywood magnifies things. In that every single weakness of yours is prone to be exploited, magnified, made worse, etc. For that I feel very sorry for Mel me melmoo.

Lot's of people put the name of Jesus on lips every day . . . like when they cut people off in traffic . . .

BTW, Christians were considered a sect of the Jews until well after the Jewish/Roman war of 70CE. We do not know an exact date of separation, and it likely happened region-by-region because Christians refused to participate in the war, and ran away instead.

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