
This needs to be done  

Posted by Ryan Woods

I must get rid of my nerdy post. I don't want future readers to think that rss feeds and browser questions and all that is who RW is in his heart of hearts. Some things need to be done, some questions must be asked; but it is time to move on?

--I think the question mark is the funniest of all the punctuation family. Seriously. (imagine if I had just typed "Seriously?", it would have been so much more entertaining!) Exclamation points are too provocative and seem like one is working too hard. Semi Colons are too elusive. Commas are the workhorse of the family. While periods are the red headed step children that nobody really cares about, they're there, but they might as well be locked up in the closet for the weekend?
When one randomly replaces a period with a question mark (see "I'm Ron Burgundy?") the flood gates of laughter and joyous music are able to open inside ones heart while ones voice raises slightly in pitch to compensate for the unexpected punctuation? Neat? No? Maybe? Anyway.
I hope everyone is having a good life. And remember: I'll be watching you?

5 additions to the conversation

I'm rather partial to quotationmarks, not when they mean, "these are the words of an actual dialogue," but when they mean, "these words are not used in a literal sence . . . add the term 'if you know what I mean,' or 'so-called' in your head." As in "I'm watching my 'waistline,'" which means, "though I no longer have an actual waistline, I'm theoretically concerned about it." Almost any activity can take on a scatological connotation within this type of punctuation: "I'm going to go 'preach the gospel' to your mom." "I'm going to go upstairs and 'organize my books.'" "I'm going to go play 'peek-a-boo' with your daughter," . . . etc. The best part is, it can mean anything so the people listening are in charge of offending themselves.

This is so very true. I have totally missed the humor found in quotation marks! "If you know what I mean".
I would very much like to add an addition to my post that includes quotation marks as the second most impotant puncuation of humor. Good "call" ty.

i'm ron burgundy?

Very cool design! Useful information. Go on! »

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I am uncertain what to call myself, but my family and I are committed to the people of downtown Vancouver, WA. We are followers of Christ and hope to be a part of a movement of hope, imagination, and transformation in our developing downtown community.

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