
If death becomes me  

Posted by Ryan Woods

If I'm going to get killed, I want to be assassinated. Who's with me? Only if you're viewed as someone who has (or could have) changed the world are you assassinated. Otherwise you're only murdered. I don't ever want to be murdered, but I'd be ok with being assassinated. That means that I've in some way changed the world that I lived in. How cool would that be? MLK was assassinated, JFK was assassinated, Lennon was assassinated, Lincoln was assassinated, Joe Shmoe was murdered.
So who's with me? Lets change the world, lets all be susceptible to assassinations huh? No?

8 additions to the conversation

I agree, it is more satisfying to know youre going to go out for a reason, other than just some unexplainable or random violence. It would be nice to have done something to change the world and make such an impact that even your death will change the world. Sorta like Jesus. He wasn't so much assasinated because it was all planned and publically spurred on, but his life and death changed the world...so did MLK Jr. and JFK, even their deaths made pretty big ripples in history.

And remember when Baxter was punted and thought to be dead, it ruined Ron's career, but then Baxter came back and saved Ron and Veronica from the bears... Baxter will be assisinated soon, hes done too much in this world to just be 'put down' or 'hit by a garbage truck' like so many others.

I like that you said that JFK and MLK made nipples in history.
I also like that Baxtors life wasn't lived in vain. Good points. Very rich and very interesting.

I didn't say nipples, but that is funny.

I think that you are expressing what Jon BonJovi so beautifully put, in his song for the movie Young Guns...."Shot down, in a blaze of glory!".

Jon always has a way of putting words to our deepest feelings.

Livin' on a prayer. Cool.

the bad man punted baxter.

I'd like to go defending a bus-load of tourists fron Godzilla, but then I want people to come up with a comspiracy theory about how I was seen as a threat by The Pentaveret so they concocted a intricate scheme to do away with me by playing on my delusions of hero-ness (I'll go through a role reversal in my thirties). Using hypnotic mind controll they will lure Godzilla to the front of the building where I am helping to translate the International Peace Accord, and I will be compelled to distract him to save the tourists and then . . .

Did I just write that down . . . I was thinking that but it seems I've lost my inner dialogue.

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I am uncertain what to call myself, but my family and I are committed to the people of downtown Vancouver, WA. We are followers of Christ and hope to be a part of a movement of hope, imagination, and transformation in our developing downtown community.

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